Valencia 2015

22nd Conference in Valencia 2015

The conference will take place at the University of Valencia (Spain), between 6th and 8th of July 2015, with the title “Vocational education, citizenship, and participation: Problematizing relations between education, work, and politics from contemporary and historical perspectives”.

Organizers Fernando Marhuenda and his team in the University of Valencia, contact address Fernando.marhuenda(at)

Call for Papers

Program, list of participants and general information




22nd Vocational Education and Training & Culture Network Conference
Title: Vocational Education, Citizenship and Participation: Problematizing Relations Between Education, Work and Politics from Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

Date: 6th – 8th of July 2015


  • Local organizing committee:
    UVEG: Alicia Ros, María José Chisvert, Míriam Abiétar, Germán Gil, Fernando Marhuenda
  • Florida Centre de Formació: Pere Soriano

Scientific committee:

  • UAB: Toni Navío, Patricia Olmos
  • UVEG: María José Chisvert, Germán Gil, Fernando Marhuenda
  • VET & Culture Network: Anja Heikkinen, Manfred Wahle, Matthias Vonken

Conference venue: Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l’Educació, Universidad de València

Deadlines: Acceptance of proposals: Announcements on acceptance of abstracts and suggestions, and more details about programme with practical information will follow by 13th March 2015.

Accommodation: We have blocked reservation of rooms in both these locations in town centre (10′ walking distance between them, and 25′ walking distance to University), where you can choose either individual or shared rooms:

Attendants are expected to book on their own and they are highly encouraged to:
a) agree with other participants chances if they intend to share rooms, and
b) book directly in the hotels by April 14th, indicating they book within the 22nd VET & Culture Conference.