About the network – A short narrative and an invitation for identity work

(Posted originally 2011)

As the VET & CULTURE network has no formalised structure, you will not find a mission statement or a neat and tidy description. So I thought, it would serve most to give a short narrative of how I would introduce the network to a friend. But it is only part of the whole story, of course. I came into the network in 2001 as a junior researcher in an exchange programme between Finnish, German and English students. I learned that the VET & CULTURE network existed since 1993 and was formed by some interested researchers in vocational education and training. At that stage vocational education had not a very strong standing in terms of prestige but also research in the field.

Since 1993 it has been happening a lot: most of the former founders of the network hold the positions of professors now and have proceeded on their own path. Parts of the network created smaller initiatives such as a continuing curriculum development exchange for junior researchers. These activities have been called EMVET or CROSSLIFE and they are also gathered on this website.

One part of the network activities is the annual CONFERENCES OR WORKSHOPS. They have become more international – especially with more networkers from outside Europe and partly a more conventional conference style. I appreciate the informal setting and the possibility to exchange ideas – and not only to make a good show. I see a collective strength in the network that often helped me when I struggled in the university life.

A further element is the PUBLICATIONS. In the meanwhile the Peter Lang series are producing the 9th volume of STUDIES IN VOCATIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION. But again these more visible activities are founded and routed in previous – maybe less visible but very valuable activities and a spirit of critical thinking.

How the path continues? As the VET & CULTURE network has no formalised structure. It is up to you. It is up to us.

Markus Weil


One thought on “About the network – A short narrative and an invitation for identity work

  1. AVETRA2.4.2018 / 07:51

    I will follow this site with great interest. Its purpose (or narrative) seems to align very well with an Australian group. The Australian Vocational education and Trainkng research Association (AVETRA) includes as part of its activities the educator research hub. A forum and information website is at https://avetraeducatorhub.org.auSimilarly to this site it is run by volunteers. We would love to have engagement on the site with this group. Very Best of luck with your endeavours. Anne Bowden


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